Kunitachi Ozawa Acupuncture Clinic.

Case Reports

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face twitching, stiff neck, stiff shoulders, panic attacks

main symptoms

she has twitching in the right side of her face. sometimes 2-3 times a week, she gets severe twitching.
sometimes there is twitching with pain under my right mouth.
she thought her teeth were bad, so she went to a dentist, but it did not get better.
she used to have twitching around her eyes, but now it is confined to her mouth.
she has difficulty closing her right eye. Sometimes water spills from the corner of her mouth.
she has a stiff neck and shoulders. she also has a history of panic attacks.


since the stiffness in the neck and shoulders was strong, we concentrated on the treatment of the neck and shoulders in a prone position for a while.
(1) semispinal muscles, (2) plate-like muscles, (3) suboccipital muscle group, (4) trapezius muscles, (5) scapular elevators

1st to 5th treatment: neck stiffness and shoulder stiffness decreased, and facial stiffness became a little easier.
from the 6th treatment, the treatment moves to the facial area.
6th to 8th treatment: pain and twitching in the facial area decrease slightly.
9th to 11th treatment: pain in the facial area disappears. twitching remained a little but became easier.

the symptoms seem to have disappeared after several treatments.


facial muscles

the facial area is covered with small muscles.
when the facial muscles that make facial expressions become fatigued, they can cause various symptoms.
the root of the problem is often a stiff neck or stiff shoulders, and in some cases the symptoms will not go away until the neck or shoulders are recovered.
this is also true for beauty.
if you have a stiff neck, no matter how much you treat the facial area, the effect will be weak.
many people who are really concerned about their beauty take care of their stiff neck.