main symptoms
she had a lot of pain when loading and walking.
when she visited a hospital, she was diagnosed as having "painful external tibia". the treatment at the hospital did not show any improvement.
the pain continued for a long time, and when searching on the web, there were many cases where the pain did not improve.
she was concerned and came to see us.
visual observation and palpation
visual observation showed no redness, and palpation showed strong tenderness in the scaphoid region.
KUNITACHI OZAWA's approach to painful external tibia focuses on 2 points: 1) local approach to the navicular periosteum, and 2) approach to the tibialis posterior muscle.

in some cases, trigger points in the tibialis posterior muscle may cause further worsening of the pain. in addition to the tibialis posterior muscle, the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles are often treated at the same time.
in this case, the pain changed after a couple of treatments, and by the 5th treatment, the pain had recovered to a level where it did not appear unless she pushed herself too hard. recently, the pain has improved to the point where she no longer experiences pain even when walking for long periods of time on trips.
although it may be necessary to continue to take care of the pain due to the condition of the bones and other factors, just the idea of "acupuncture makes me better" can lead to positive thoughts in daily life.