noise in the ears, stiffness in the back of the head, stomach pain
【male, 50s】
【male, 50s】
【male, 50s】
【male, 50s】
noise in the ears and stiffness in the back of the head.
he has been taking medication for 7 months, but there was no improvement. suddenly, he started to have ears ringing, shaking of hands, facial muscle tension, and stomach pain.
the internal medicine department examined his stomach but found no abnormalities, and the cause of the stomach pain was unknown.
he always feels stiffness in his neck. Anyway, he feels weak. the back of his head is painful.
symptoms worsen when he gets tired at work.
visual observation showed no abnormalities, and palpation showed stiffness in all the places where the neck muscles attach to the occipital bone.
awareness occurred when the fingers hit the points, and intensive acupuncture treatment was applied to those areas.
the acupuncture treatment was focused on the craniosynostosis muscle.
although there were signals in other parts of the body, there was a clear awareness of the occipital bone attachment of the semispinalis capitis muscle, so we concentrated on this area.
1st to 10th treatment: no major changes, but there is a solid feeling that the bad parts are being treated.
11th to 20th treatment: stomach pain goes away. I feel less tired.
21st to 30th treatment: neck stiffness becomes easier. However, it still comes in waves. Tinnitus becomes a little easier.
31st to 35th treatment: symptoms go into relief.