Kunitachi Ozawa Acupuncture Clinic.

Case Reports

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longstanding pain in the lower back and numbness in the legs

main symptoms

her lower back has hurt for decades.
she has been to various places. She has been receiving electric therapy and light massage at an osteopathic clinic in her neighborhood.
about 6 months ago, numbness began to appear in the right leg from the side to the front of the thigh, and an x-ray was performed at an orthopedic hospital.
she also has osteoporosis and is taking medication. she has been receiving traction and massage as part of her rehabilitation, but she feels worse when she receives traction.
she had received acupuncture treatment in the past and came to our clinic through her son's introduction.
she likes to exercise and goes to the pool twice a week.


On visual observation, there was a slight right sided kyphosis near the right thoracolumbar transition.
There was hypertension in the right iliac crest muscle.
Recognition sensation appeared with finger pressure. There was tenderness in the gluteus medius muscle.

because of her senior age and osteoporosis, she was treated lightly with manual therapy and mainly with acupuncture.
because of her longstanding symptoms, we started with trigger point treatment in the inner part of her body.

1st treatment: not much change. (recognition sensation appeared with the treatment of the lower back)
3rd treatment: symptoms decreased a little, from 10 to 6.
6th treatment: 6 to 4. symptoms improved with each treatment.

the symptoms seem to have disappeared after several treatments.


acupuncture for the elderly

it is many times more difficult to get rid of the pain that elderly people have than it is to get rid of the pain of athletes.
acupuncture treatment for the elderly requires a high level of skill to be able to treat their symptoms.
many seniors in life have been told, "you're too old for this”.

acupuncturists should never say, " you' re too old for this.

“it's only the government that decides your age. let's get you well”. I think we should say like this.

japan is full of chronic pain.
there will be more in the future.
acupuncture, which reaches directly to the affected area, can be used to treat the elderly with less burden.
if we can eliminate chronic pain in the elderly, we can create a healthy society.