Kunitachi Ozawa Acupuncture Clinic.



Tokyo Trigger Point Study Group ~ Tokyo TP ~

Reservation from a group of 2 to 3 members
1) 2 persons: 1 person ¥6,000/hour (Total: ¥12,000)
2) 3 persons: 1 person ¥5,000/hour (Total: ¥15,000)
Payment by credit card

Topics: TP manual therapy and TP acupuncture
Acupuncture techniques will be performed on each muscle for as long as time allows.

Qualification: Doctors, acupuncture and moxibustion therapists, acupuncture and moxibustion students

Founder: National Ozawa Acupuncture & Osteopathy Clinic, General Director of the main clinic: Kunihiro Ozawa

Practice Instructor: Kunitachi Ozawa's Ginza Clinic, Acupuncture Tokyo Ozawa, Yusuke Takasaki

Trigger Point Training in Japan and Abroad
We also provide trigger point training for international visitors.
Currently, we are receiving an increasing number of inquiries from overseas and the need for trigger point acupuncture treatment is increasing. We hope that you will learn the techniques of trigger point therapy in Japan and play an active role in this field.
(Training will be in English)

GINZA SENRIKEN bldg.5F  2-4-19, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
Access Map >>


To register
Please send an e-mail with the name of the individual who will be attending, the day and time you would like to attend the training, up to a third choice.
